JAMES. (1838-1889). English playwright. His works include: Two
Roses, Picnic Dominoes, Apple Blossoms, etc. ALS, 8vo,
Fairlawn, Oct. 18 (79), regarding an engagement. P.S. on verso regards
revealing the plot of a play.............[534].......$18.50
(1832-1888). Author. Wrote Little Women, etc. Interestingly, she has made a calling card out of someone else’s
by inking through their printed name and writing: “Miss L.M. Alcott/ Concord, Mass.”
The card is beautifully matted in black raw silk mats with a 3” x 5” oval photograph of her. The ensemble is highlighted by gold wood filet liners and a brass plaque which reads “Louisa May Alcott/ Author/ (1832-1888)“. Framed in a 2” gold wood frame. Overall size: 19” x 14.5”. Nice. ..[11922]. ..$795.00
(Image of entire framed piece forthcoming.)
English illustrator. Close of ALS. Comes with one of his 8vo
illustrations from a magazine and also one of his embossed calling cards.
.......The trio.
DR. ROBERT. (1759-1805). Historian, author and schoolmaster.
Wrote: Life of Edmund Burke, History of Reign of George III. 3rd person ALS,
regarding his history of Edward VI. 2pp., n.p., Aug. 24,
JOHN F. 19th century poet and physician. ALS, 2pp.,
8vo, n.d., n.p. Letter to a book dealer regarding the consignment of
"a few dozen copies of my late work - 'Redemption, A
FABULOUS CONTENT PEARL BUCK LETTER “...difficult for Americans to understand Asia...natural to generalize from the few we know, instead of the many we do not know...I have always been sorry that most of the Chinese in the U.S. are not of the best type...” and mentions “Hidden
BUCK, PEARL (1892-1973). Am. author. Won both Pulitzer and Nobel Prizes. TLS, 4to, personalized letterhead with her address, July 14, 1952. To a
G.I. named George Burns. In full: “Dear George Burns: Really you could not have pleased me more than to say that my books have helped you to understand and love Japan. I began going to Japan when I was a little girl, it was only about three days away from China, and then later when the Communists made their attack on
Nanking, that was in 1927, I lived in Japan for a while. What is going on now makes it difficult for Americans to understand Asia, and yet I think that if they could only read the history of the white man in Asia during the last three hundred years they would understand much better. It is always easy and perhaps quite natural to generalize from the few we know, instead of from the many that we do not know. You give a very honest example in the few Chinese that you know in Kansas City. I have always been sorry that most of the Chinese in the United States are not of the best type. They come from Canton and they even look different from most of the Chinese. Canton is in the extreme south of China, and the people there are mixed with the hill tribes and
consequently are short and dark. In North China the people are tall and handsome and not dark at all - not that darkness matters! I am glad that you liked THE HIDDEN FLOWER. Everything in it is true to fact as I have known it, although of course the facts are not all about one child. I am touched that a
G.I. would want my picture, and although I do not make a practice of sending my pictures here and there I will make an exception in your case. With best wishes, I am, Yours sincerely, (boldly signed) Pearl S. Buck”. The finest content Buck letter we have
(1810-79). U.S. and International peace advocate known as "the Learned
Blacksmith"; founded (1846) League of Universal Brotherhood;
organized (1848) "Friends of Peace" Congress, Brussels. Autograph
Quotation Signed from "A Spark from the Blacksmith's Anvil",
8vo. "Whenever you fall in with an unlighted mind in your walk of
life, drop a kind and glowing thought upon it from yours, and set it a
burning in the world with a light that shall shine in some dark place to
illumine the benighted". Mounted to slightly larger page.
CALDWELL, ERSKINE. Author. Vintage
signature (1942) on 3” x 5” card................. [6127]..... $45.00
Author. AQS, about fame. 4 lines, 16mo, signed in full and
dated 1/19/1885..
CHASE, ILKA. Author.
CLARK, EDSON L. Author. Cut
(1826-86) Author & editor. (Pen name Barry Gray). Wrote "My
Married Life at Hillside", "Matrimonial Infelicities",
"Castles in the Air and other Phantasies", etc. ALS,
8vo, 1p., n.y., Custom House letter to an editor regarding one of his
works, "Basket of Strawberries", and sending his last two books
"Out of Town", and "Cakes & Ale".
Am. scholar and author. Wrote "Italian Popular Tales", 1865,
etc. Pioneer in study of folk lore and medieval literature. 8vo ALS,
1890. .....[11004]........$18.50
B. Writer, historian. 4to typescript signed from his book
“The Problem of Slavery in the Age of Revolution” (1770-1823). Interesting excerpt from his book for which he was awarded a Pulitzer Prize in 1967. Signed in full at bottom of page..[788-2]..$15.00
DICKINSON, ANNA E. (1842-1932). Am. lecturer. Lectured for woman suffrage, labor reform; campaigned for Republican party; noted for vituperation.
. Close of ALS.....[3560]......$25.00
  DRINKWATER, JOHN (1882-1932). English poet and playwright. His typical tiny
in-person signature clipped from album
page..[11674-3]...$20.00 each
FERBER, EDNA (1887-1968). Novelist and playwright. Won Pulitzer for So Big (1924). Extremely fine bold vintage
signature on piece of 8vo bond
GINSBERG, ALLEN. Beat poet and activist. 4to glossy B&W
SP, Signed twice, once on lower border with small signature and again on blank left border with huge bold 6" signature. Choice. Rare.
[6716].. .........$125.00
GINSBERG, ALLEN. Beat poet & social activist. 4to
typescript signed of his poem “Xmas Gift”, signed at conclusion “Allen Ginsberg/ Mind Breaths”.. .[6717].. .............$195.00
EVERETT. Clergyman and author. Close of ALS...................[5839]..+...$38.50
HARVEY, GEO. B.M. (1864-1928). Am. journalist. Owner, ed. “North Am. Review” (1899-1926); Pres., “Harper & Bros” (1900-15); ed. “Harper’s Weekly” (1901-13), Harvey’s Weekly (1918-21). Instrumental in bringing about Wilson’s nomination for Gov. of N.J. (1910); supported Wilson for
Presidency (1912); influential in selection of Harding as Republican candidate (1920). U.S. Ambassador to Great Britain (1921-23).
ALS, 1p., 8vo, July 10 (18)90, on letterhead of “The World”, declining additional insurance
coverage............................................... [11688]........... $25.00
(HAWTHORNE, NATHANIEL) (1804-65). Writer. Known for his short stories. U.S. Consul. Original
c.d.v., sepia, 3/4 length, seated pose. Photographers markings on verso: Warren’s Portraits/ 465 Washington St., Boston. Horizontal crack through 1/3, thus priced.. [11686]. $95.00
 HILL, GEORGE. 19th century poet.
ALS, 2pp., 8vo, Guilford, June 25, 1869. Letter to General James Grant Wilson, declining to pen some lines for a special occasion and saying he cannot identify the author of some poetry sent to him...[11689].
ERICA. Writer. Signed book plate...[11010]...
Literary Content Sinclair Lewis ALS About His 1933 Book ANN
LEWIS, SINCLAIR (1885-1951). Am. novelist and playwright. In 1930 he became the first American to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. Author of: Our Mr. Wrenn (1914), The Trail of the Hawk (1915), The Job (1917), Main Street (1920), Babbit (1922), Arrowsmith (1925), Mantrap (1926), Elmer Gantry (1927), The Man Who Knew Coolidge (1928), Dodsworth (1929), Ann Vickers (1933), Work of Art (1933), It Can’t Happen Here (1935), Prodigal Parents (1938), Bethel Merriday (1940), Gideon Planish (1943), Cass Timberlane (1945), Knightsblood Royal, (1947), etc. Remarkable content
ALS about his 1933 book, Ann Vickers, 8vo, Sarasota, Fla., Nov. 3, 1939 to “Mrs. McKee”. In full: “Dear Mrs. McKee: No, when I wrote the book, I had never heard of any Ann Vickers, related to the Lewises or otherwise, nor ever known anything specific about anyone named Vickers. Thank you for your letter. Sincerely Yours, (boldly signed) Sinclair Lewis”. Has the usual fold marks, which are barely noticeable, else clean and fine. Lewis is scarce in letters in general and particularly so in literary content letters. Great content about one of his books. A gem. ..[12325] ..$995.00
LOWELL, JAMES RUSSELL (1819-1891). American poet, essayist and diplomat. Elected to American Hall of Fame.
Close of ALS, 7 lines, boldly signed. Cryptic and intriguing content. In part: “...has not the least notion of giving up so precious a piece of plunder. He mocks at the police. He means to profit by his audacity...” Comes with 8vo half-bust engraving. The pair... [11756]
KILMER, JOYCE (1886-1918).
Poet. Best known for his immortal poem "Trees". Killed in WW II.
A.Ms., unsigned, 4to, in pencil, 2pp., (recto & verso of
one page). On recto poem titled "Avenues": "Up and down the
happy street, busy wheels and / busy feet,/ Radiant windows wide and sweet
with / posies blue and red/ Ribbons, diamonds and gold, silk and velvet/
fold on fold,/ Here is shelter from the cold, a place to lay / thy head./
"Nay" I think He answered me "Not with these my home shall
be."/ (Bethlehem & Calvary are crowded with/ the poor)." In
a lower blank space Kilmer
has written four words which he obviously was attempting to make rhyme
with his verse : boor, endure, lure, moor. There are many changes, cross
outs and corrections in his hand, evidencing the work he put into his
poetry. On the verso he has written another unpublished poem entitled
"There was a murkier tinge in London's Air." "Fools sang of
sin, for other fools acclaim shame/ and
Milton's wreath was tossed to Baudelaire/ The flowers of evil blossomed
everywhere/ and in their midst a radiant lily came/ candescent, pure, a
cup of living flame/ Bloomed for a day and
left the earth more fair." At
bottom of page Kilmer has written: "or does/ Her lyric knight within
her choir to stand". Comes with certificate of authenticity signed by
Miriam A. Kilmer, granddaughter of Joyce and Aline Kilmer dated 9-7-96.
Kilmer material is rare in any form; how-ever, his unpublished poetry is
unobtainable excepting only this and a few other such pieces sold by his
heirs several years ago. A highly desirable piece... (Click
on images at right for recto & verso views)
.............[10888]. ....$995.00
(1886-1918). Poet. Best known for his immortal poem “Trees”. Killed in WW
I. Due to his early death his material is scarce in all forms. Unpublished
autograph document, poetry fragment entirely in his hand, oblong 8vo,
unsigned, normal toning, fine, in full: “Afternoon” Long shadows fall
across the grass/ The birds forget to sing/ I sit and watch the white clouds
pass/ and guess what Dad will bring./ Far up the road a rabbit jumps/ and
rustles in the leaves./ A tailor worm airs green back bumps/ and measures both
my sleeves./ The slanting sun has burned the rose/ Its leaves fall on the
ground/ “ An incredible item of this scarce but popular poet. Provenance:
From the estate of Joyce Kilmer and his wife, Aline, both of whom were poets.
Comes with a statement
from his granddaughter which states: “Autograph poetry fragment by Joyce
Kilmer, unsigned: “Afternoon”. Written on the back of a Johnson &
Johnson Route Sheet (his father, Frederick Barnett Kilmer, was one of the
original chemists at Johnson & Johnson). (Signed) Miriam A. Kilmer,
granddaughter of Joyce and Aline Kilmer” and dated “9/7/96”..[11795]..$795.00
Literary Content Sinclair Lewis ALS About His 1933 Book ANN VICKERS
LEWIS, SINCLAIR (1885-1951). Am. novelist and playwright. In 1930 he became the first American to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. Author of: Our Mr. Wrenn (1914), The Trail of the Hawk (1915), The Job (1917), Main Street (1920), Babbit (1922), Arrowsmith (1925), Mantrap (1926), Elmer Gantry (1927), The Man Who Knew Coolidge (1928), Dodsworth (1929), Ann Vickers (1933), Work of Art (1933), It Can’t Happen Here (1935), Prodigal Parents (1938), Bethel Merriday (1940), Gideon Planish (1943), Cass Timberlane (1945), Knightsblood Royal, (1947), etc. Remarkable content
ALS about his 1933 book, Ann Vickers, 8vo, Sarasota, Fla., Nov. 3, 1939 to “Mrs. McKee”. In full: “Dear Mrs. McKee: No, when I wrote the book, I had never heard of any Ann Vickers, related to the Lewises or otherwise, nor ever known anything specific about anyone named Vickers. Thank you for your letter. Sincerely Yours, (boldly signed) Sinclair Lewis”. Has the usual fold marks, which are barely noticeable, else clean and fine. Lewis is scarce in letters in general and particularly so in literary content letters. Great content about one of his books. A gem. ..[12325] ..$995.00
LOWELL, JAMES RUSSELL (1819-91) Am. poet and diplomat. Fine bold dark
signature on card. Mint. [7526]..$38.50
MAILER, NORMAN. Author. Wrote “The Naked and the Dead”, etc.
Souvenir typescript, 4to, 2pp., from “Genius and Lust”, boldly signed at end of second
page. Interesting content about Henry Miller, Karl Shapiro, Hemmingway, and ends “...Yet no
American writer, not even Hemmingway, necessarily came closer to the crazy bliss of being alone in a strange city with no money in your pocket, not much food in your stomach, and a hard on beginning to stir, a “personal” hard on (as one of Miller’s characters nicely describes
Souvenir typescript, 4to, 2pp., “The Flight”, signed at end of second
page. Sensitive piece about Mohammed Ali.........[11800]..$95.00
MARSHALL, CATHERINE. Author. Wife of the Rev. Peter Marshall, legendary chaplain of the U.S. Senate. Wrote “A Man Called Peter” and “Christy”, her best selling and best known book. TLS, letterhead of “Catherine Marshall”, 4to, June 1, 1971, in part: “...enclosed you will find...a little compilation of answers to questions most often asked by readers of CHRISTY. This should give you some interesting behind the scenes data on that particular book...” Signed “Catherine Le Sourd”. Excellent content and association
SOMERSET. Writer. Poignant TLS, 8vo, Villa Mauresque, St. Jean-Cap
Ferrat, A.M. (France), Jan. 9, 1965. In part: "...It was extremely kind of you to write me; I was touched and much pleased... You must forgive me, I reply briefly. I am now a very old man - in my ninety-second year - and in an indifferent state of health. I find my correspondence something of a strain. I send you a photograph of a portrait that my old friend Sir Gerald Kelly, has just painted of me (not present). It is the last in a series of sixteen that he has painted over the last sixty years." Boldly signed
"W.S. Maugham". .........[5954]...........$295.00

(POETS) MOORE, MARIANNE (1887-1972). Pulitzer prize winning Am. poet and author. Small clipped
signature matted to the lower border of an impressionistic drawing of Moore by Margurete Zorbach. Suitable for framing.
..............................................................[11690].................. $75.00
PEALE, NORMAN VINCENT. Author of “The Power of Positive Thinking”. His
pamphlet “Expect a Miracle - Make Miracles Happen.” A
signature of Peale has been mounted to the top of the first page in a blank
area....+........[10710].. .......................$35.00
VINCENT. Clergyman and author. Pastor of N.Y.’s Marble Collegiate Church and author of the best selling book The Power of Positive Thinking.
TLS, 4to, March 7, 1973, thanks for a poem “in the form of an acrostic of my name.” Nice signature.. [11828]..
J.B.. British author & poet...Signature........[5836]...$35.00
SANDBURG, CARL. (1878-1967). Author, poet, journalist and biographer. Awarded Pulitzer for his “Complete Poems” (1951); awarded second Pulitzer for his history of Lincoln “The War Years” (1939). 4.5” x 6.5”
ISP, 1951, half bust,
semi-profile pose, handsomely matted in buff mats, gold wood liner with Chinese red V-groove and framed in 1.75” gold wood frame. Overall size: 14.5” x 16.5”. Signed photographs of Sandburg are rare.
Handsome. ..[11718].. .....$495.00
FRANK G. Best selling author. 4" x 5" glossy SP.
Signed in
(1774-1843). English poet and man of letters. With Coleridge and Robert
Lovell, formed visionary socialistic scheme of a pantisocracy on banks of
Susquehanna River in America (1794-95); satirized by Byron in opening
dedicatory stanzas of Don Juan (1819) and in "The Vision of
Judgment" (1822).
Extremely fine AQS, 5" x 3", in full: "Robert
Southey, Fenwick,
June 27, 1837./ (In
Latin) "He hated this city, and far from the glittering palace (royal
court), he dwelt in a modest farmhouse in the hidden hills, Ovid."
Suitable for display. A seldom offered autograph.
 SOUTHEY, ROBERT (1774-1843). Eng. poet and man of letters.
A.Ms., 8vo, with his signature affixed at bottom of verso. Manuscript page from one of his works, written on both sides, in his tiny script. On the verso is a 10 line poem which begins: "I care not, Fortune, what you me deny: You cannot rob me of free Nature's grace; You cannot shut the windows of the sky..." Choice Southey item. Warrants further
(1841-1904). British explorer and journalist. Best known for leading expedition to Central Africa to find David Livingstone; started March 21, 1871 and after great difficulties reached Livingstone on November 10, 1871, greeting him with his famous remark: “Dr. Livingstone, I presume?” Also traced southern sources of the Nile; discovered Lake Edward. In service of Belgian King Leopold opened Congo region to trade, establishing trade stations and communications. On the basis of his work, the Congo Free State was organized. Discovered the “Mountains of the Moon.”
Choice bold dark signature on small card, 2.25” x 1.75”. Signature covers almost the entire card.
Matted with antique engraving in ecru mats, highlighted with black “V-groove”, with brass plaque engraved: “Sir Henry Morton Stanley/ British Explorer and Journalist/ (1841-1904).” Framed in 1.5” gold wood frame. Overall size: 11.5” x 14.5”. Handsome display piece.
(l869-l946). Pulitzer Prize winning writer & playwright. His book:
"The Gentleman From Indiana", 8vo, 384 pp., Double-day, 1st ed., 1900.
Author’s Autograph Edition No. 449 of l000 copies. Signed on limitation page
inside front cover. Normal wear. Tip
of f.f.b.e.p. missing, else good. [12195] +
“I may not be an inorganic rock of
(1892-1981). Am. traveler, journalist, and author. Met
T.E. Lawrence and made him famous with his book “With Lawrence of Arabia”.
TLS, 4to, Jan. 8, 1981, “I may not be an “inorganic rock of ultra-conservatism” but I like your
LEON. Novelist. Signed book
IRVING. Writer. Signed book plate....[11009]..........$18.50
PENN. Poet and author. Signature... .............[5841]...$35.00
PRESCOTT. Author & historian. Brief ALS on bottom of letter to him from a collector asking him to sign copies of three of his books (about the Texas Rangers and Great Plains) and mentioning J. Frank
Dobie. Webb has written a 10 line response at the bottom of the letter regarding where to send the books. Not common and excellent association value.
[1336].+.$ 75.00
WILLIAMS, WILLIAM CARLOS (1883-1963). Am. physician and writer. Author of Verse Collected in The Complete Collected Poems of William Carlos Williams 1906-1938 (1939); of essays and the novels , A Voyage To Pagany
(1928), White Mule (1937), In The Money (1940). Awarded Dial Prize for Services to American Literature (1926). Unusual and interesting item of this great writer/physician.
DS, 5.25” x 3 1/8” partially printed prescription for a patient completely filled in, dated (8/9/33) and signed by Williams “W.C. Williams”. Two tears in left blank border resulting from the prescription being torn out of a two ring binder. Normal toning, else clean and fine. This is the first such Williams piece to cross our desk. Suitable for display. A scarce literary figure. [12326].. $795.00
(1897-1972). Powerful and influential American journalist. Known for his
slangy, gossipy, opinionated reporting on radio, and,
later on television. His personalized bank check, drawn on
Irving Trust Co., Nov. 1, 1964. Boldly signed. Bank cancellation stamp
lightly touches signature. An attractive item of this legendary
journalist/commentator. ........[10891-M]......$28.50